National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day – October 17, 2022, history, significance
There are exactly 365 days in a year, yet most of us neglect the condition of our computers. Technology is more advanced than ever, so we have become accustomed to not maintaining them. Thanks to the good folks at the Personal Computer Museum, of Ontario Canada, that has changed. On the third Monday of October, on October 17 this year, people celebrate National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day by doing just that — making sure their desktops are cleaned.
History of Clean your Virtual Desktop Day

Clean your Virtual Desktop Day was first created by the good people at, to encourage people to sort out their desktops and return it to that pristine vision they received when they first booted up their computer. An orderly desktop has been said to be the sign of an orderly mind, someone who has their work together, and knows what their tool is for and how to use it.
Back up your files
If you rarely clean your desktop, then it is safe to assume that you barely back up your files. So here’s an idea; do both! Back up your files to a secured hard drive and delete them from your computer.
Organize your things
Question, can you see the background picture on your desktop? Or is it being camouflaged by the army of documents on your screen? If the answer is yes, then SMH. Clean it up! Organize your files by archiving them into folders.
Let it go
Let it go, let it gooooo! Sorry, that song is catchy so we couldn’t help but reference Frozen. All jokes aside though, let go of those files you’ve been holding to. Do you really need that screenshot from 3 years ago? Trash it if the answer is no.
More speed
The logic behind this is quite simple; the more things you have stored on your computer = a slower running machine. This because more RAM is being used. For those that do not know what RAM is, think of it as horse power. The heavier your car weighs, the more horse power you use to travel. Clean up your computer as if it were a tune up and get up to speed.
More space
We’re just stating the obvious folks. Clean up your computer and gain more space on your computer! As mentioned above, this will make your computer quicker, plus it will give you more space to store the important documents you want – as opposed to the Rachel Ray recipe from 2008. (We love you Rachel, that wasn’t shade!)
Fresh start
Do you remember how quick your computer was when you first purchased it? Probably not, since you haven’t cleaned it in years! Get a fresh start by emptying the trash. Start over by being more organized this time. Label your documents appropriately and make it easy for yourself when you need to find them.